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000053_owner-lightwave-l _Sat Feb 4 05:04:05 1995.msg
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Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 19:17:15 -0500 (EST)
From: Scott Bennett <scottbe@iac.net>
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
Subject: Re: PAR output
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You are correct, the PAR needs a reference sync.
The best way to hook it up is to take the PAR output to Toaster Input 1
and genlock in of the TBC IV. TBC IV video output to Toaster Input 2.
> Scott Bennett Voice: 606-371-3355 <
< Digital Processing Systems, Inc FAX: 606-371-3729 >
> scottbe@iac.net BBS: 416-754-8368 <
On Thu, 2 Feb 1995, Polo Hurtado wrote:
> Can anyone tell me how to send the PAR output to Toaster input 2???
> I have tried several different options, and none of them have worked.
> Now, my background is mostly 3D animation and video editing, as well as
> PC consulting work, so go easy on me:
> - I tried sending the ouput from the PAR direct to Input 2 on the
> Toaster.... no go. Signal looks like needs reference.
> - I tried sending the PAR output through the VCR by sending the PAR
> output to the VCR input and then the VCR output to Toaster input
> #2... no go. Signal looks like it still needs reference.
> - Tried sending the Color Bar Generator output to Toaster input 1
> and to TBC IV Genlock in. PAR output direct to Input 2 and same
> problem persists.
> What am I doing wrong? Keep in mind that I have the Y/C Plus board
> installed in my Toaster machine, so I used Y/C cables for examples #1 &
> #2, but used composite signals through BNC cables for example #3.
> On the other hand, if y'all could tell me how to hook up the PAR (for
> outputting animations), the TBC IV (for capturing live video mostly, with
> the PAR) and the Toaster, I would REALLY appreciate it!
> Sorry for taking up this cyberspace with all the questions but it's my
> last resort before I go nuts!
> TIA,
> POlo
> Remember... "Two wrongs don't make a right,
> but two Wrights made an airplane!"